nowadays, where security have important rule to our technology life. not only in network system, even on your local PC that used for many users.
it is recommended us to give more attention to our files to not be stealing by people who have no permission on it.
so where do your secret files you put on computer?
on current folder?
or you make it as hidden file?
or make it as super hidden folder ?
make it on invisible zip or rar?
and wait a moment.... did you ever think about to save your secret files on JPG image?
here i've got a special security model to keep your file save from stealing and hacking by current persons who have the bad aim on it. here the steps :
First, prepare the 2 objects such private data that have been converted on *.zip and an image file such darling.jpg on below.[click image for detail]
Open cmd and go to the path folder you put your private data and image, like the example below we go to the drive g:
There’s lies the file we want to save from stealing or hacking.[click image for detail]
Then copy the two files in to one files
Write : copy /b xxx.jpg
/b used to welded 2 files, darling.jpg and
Write darling.jpg first for the main setting and first that people see when they see the file.
xxx.jpg is gonna be the file result for the two welded file. Jpg and .zip
Go the the path direcktory there will be added the xxx.jpg as the result file
By the way is generously seem like it was such a only file jpg when it has opened. [click image for detail]
Now you can try rename the extention from .jpg to .zip, press enter, an select yes. [click image for detail]
Now double click the and it gonna shown the content of zip folder that you want to kept from hacker and stealing.[click image for detail]
To make it save just rename as .jpg again
Thank you. Hope it usefully,…
Thanks for Ramadhan Adhi Chandra who tell me about these method to kept my private data for stealing and hacking. Keep hacking boys…. Lets rock the worlds
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I save my secret files on JPG image
No For Online Plagiarism
Did you ever think about online plagiarism ? Yes. online plagiarism is one of big problem we faced on online activities, actually when you are a blogger or other profession on writing. And till now, its has no problem solving about this situation. Because in some cases it difficult to know whether the origin post and the plagiarism post.
How to find the sites that have copied your content ? Well its not an ads, but hopefully can help you lets you easily identify sites that have copied your content without permission, as well as those who are quoting your site.
How to defend your site against the threats of online plagiarism?
You can go to these site and figure all you want such the sites that have copied your content and how it work here.
Thanks, hopefully usefull
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Autostart on KDE
What is the first thing you do after you have logon to your X windows? some people always lunch some applications what they loved to do first before doing the main aim to open computer, what about you? such my self that want to write my blog posting always start the amarok player to play the music also the Konsole Terminal to do much more I like.
well, sometime it needs more time to do that. and the most I like is that we can use the autostart folder on KDE system to make all the application we want to start can run automatically. And yes, it also can save your time here.
you can use your autostart folder default on KDE, here the steps to do that:
open on konqueror
go to /home/username/.kde/Autostart
such /home/majendra/.kde/Autostart
Klik K-Menu, find the application you want to make it in autostart
drag an drop the application you want to autostart to Autostart Folder
select the Link Here (Ctrl+Shift)
repeat step 1-3 to make another auto start applications on KDe
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I can't use the sudo ... on my slackware
well as we known than the current user have specification to run all commands as the root was. but when we are the as dual user that use the current user as the commands daily and also can use the root user for the setting and the configuration system. we can use the sudo command to execute commands as another user also as a root.
but in my new slackware 12.1, I can't use the sudo command. and after I insert the password it gave results that the current user is not the sudoers file.
majendra@darkstar:~$ sudo vi /etc/fstab
majendra is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
As far as i know that we can use the sudo command on ubuntu for the default.So what sould i do with my slackware?
so to make the user be part of sudoers we can do some steps here:
login as root
open /etc/sudoers with editor
you can use vi editor
# vi /etc/sudoers
edit these line
find User Previlage
# User privilege specification
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
%users ALL=(ALL) ALL #add this line
It make all user in the “users” group
save and quit by type del and :wq
then try the sudo command.
thank you
X Configuration to X Windows
Well this posting is to complete my previous post about my monitor problem that go off it self after start the x windows.So lets starts to hacked the slackware 12.1.
X Window environment in Slackware is provided by Xorg. X is responsible for providing a graphical user interface. It is independent from the operating system, unlike Windows or the MacOS.
To configure X, you'll need to make an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. This file contains lots of details about your video hardware, mouse, and monitor. It's a very complex configuration file, but fortunately there are several programs to help create one for you. We'll mention a few of them here.
This is a simple menu driven frontend that's similar in feel to the Slackware installer. It simply tells the X server to take a look at the card, and then set up the best initial configuration file it can make based on the information it gathers. The generated /etc/X11/xorg.conf file should be a good starting point for most systems (and should work without modification).
This is a text-based X configuration program that's designed for the advanced system administrator. Here's a sample walkthrough using xorgconfig. First, start the program:
# xorgconfig
This will present a screenful of information about xorgconfig. To continue, press ENTER. xorgconfig will ask you to verify you have set your PATH correctly. It should be fine, so go ahead and hit ENTER.
Step-1. xorgconfig Mouse Configuration
Select your mouse from the menu presented. If you don't see your serial mouse listed, pick the Microsoft protocol -- it's the most common and will probably work. Next xorgconfig will ask you about using ChordMiddle and Emulate3Buttons. You'll see these options described in detail on the screen. Use them if the middle button on your mouse doesn't work under X, or if your mouse only has two buttons (Emulate3Buttons lets you simulate the middle button by pressing both buttons simultaneously). Then, enter the name of your mouse device. The default choice, /dev/mouse, should work since the link was configured during Slackware setup. If you're running GPM (the Linux mouse server) in repeater mode, you can set your mouse type to /dev/gpmdata to have X get information about the mouse through gpm. In some cases (with busmice especially) this can work better, but most users shouldn't do this.
xorgconfig will ask you about enabling special key bindings. If you need this say “y”. Most users can say “n” -- enter this if you're not sure.
Step-2. xorgconfig Horizontal Sync
In the next section you enter the sync range for your monitor. To start configuring your monitor, press ENTER. You will see a list of monitor types -- choose one of them. Be careful not to exceed the specifications of your monitor. Doing so could damage your hardware.
Step-3. xorgconfig Vertical Sync
Specify the vertical sync range for your monitor (you should find this in the manual for the monitor). xorgconfig will ask you to enter strings to identify the monitor type in the xorg.conf file. Enter anything you like on these 3 lines (including nothing at all).
Step-4. xorgconfig Video Card
Now you have the opportunity to look at the database of video card types. You'll want to do this, so say “y”, and select a card from the list shown. If you don't see your exact card, try selecting one that uses the same chipset and it will probably work fine.
Next, tell xorgconfig how much RAM you have on your video card. xorgconfig will want you to enter some more descriptive text about your video card. If you like, you can enter descriptions on these three lines.
You'll then be asked which display resolutions you want to use. Again, going with the provided defaults should be fine to start with. Later on, you can edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and rearrange the modes so 1024x768 (or whatever mode you like) is the default.
At this point, the xorgconfig program will ask if you'd like to save the current configuration file. Answer yes, and the X configuration file is saved, completing the setup process. You can start X now with the startx command.
now you can try the x windows by type "startx" an hit the "enter" button. so have fun guess. Thank you
Other X configuration tips :
The second way to configure X is to use xorgsetup, an automagical configuration program that comes with Slackware. To run xorgsetup, log in as root and type:
# xorgsetup
If you've already got an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file (because you've already configured X), you'll be asked if you want to backup the existing config file before continuing. The original file will be renamed to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup.
To make desktop selection easy, Slackware also includes a program called xwmconfig that can be used to select a desktop or window manager. It is run like so:
% xwmconfig
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My Slackware 12.1 - StartX Problem
Well its definitely begin when I have already complete the slackware instalation on my computer. Everything was fun, its all done good, but when I try to start my x windows by tape "startx" and hit the "enter" button after login as root. my computer's monitor go off then. wowow... what happened to my monitor??
Oh yes, its new game on my slackware, and with little bit of curiousity I go online an try to figure it out and try to find the problem solving for my monitor.
Hours later, there no solving result about my problem, then my YM friend, Wira who told me that it's the problem with "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" or the monitor refresh rate. Yes, i've got brighter ways.
I go to my /etc directory but I find nothing about the X11 sub directory, even xorg.inf. but yeah I got one step forward.
Then I still fight with these problem, go to forum and yes i've found the SlackBook and SlackBasic. It contents a lot of basic configuration about slackware. I get download it and just try to find out about the X configuration.
And you now guess? what the wira said is not a hundred percent true. So the main point of these problem is :
"In the default slackware 12.1 instalation. it has no x setting configuration itself. So we have to make it first before start the x windows"
Yes, so the answer for my monitor problem is we need to configure the x setting first and save it to the slackware system then we can start the x windows safely.
Well for the step by step to configure the x setting for the slackware 12.1 I'll made for the next posts. Its because the detaiil configuration need more space here.So please come back to figure it out. Thanks
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How Hackers Get The Password - 2nd
Social Engineering, Keylogger, Web spoofing, Email block..
What the...??
[1]. Social Engineering
Social Engineering is the technical name of a collection of information by the victim psychology slit . Or may also be said as a "fraud". It requires patience and careful so that the victim is not suspicious. Hackers are required to hold a creative and capable as the victim.
Social Engineering is the art of "force" people to do things according to your wishes or expectations. Of course " forcing " didn’t do overtly or outside the normal behavior of the usual victims.
Humans tend to believe or susceptible to the person who has a great name, who give an aid, and have a word or look that convincing. The perpetrator often used social engineering to snare victims. Often the perpetrator make a condition that victims have such a dependence to them.Ya, the perpetrator make the conditions (without victims)realized that they in a problem and (as if - it is only) that only the perpetrator can overcome the problem. Thus, we will of course tend to obey what he instruct without feeling suspicious.
Social Engineering occasionally became serious threats. Indeed, it seems there is no connection with technology, social engineering cause a fatal result for your system. Why? However, because a computer can not keep it separated from the human. Yes, there is no one computer system on earth that can be separated from human intervention. Don’t care how great the defense you did, if you are already occupied by attacker through social engineering, then you can reveal yourself the entrance for the attacker.
[2]. Keylogger
Keylogger is a software that can record user activities. The results are stored as regular text or image. Keylogger keyboard pounding work based on the user. This application is able to identify the forms as the sensitive- form of password for example.
There are safe ways to avoid keyloger:
1. Use a password with special characters such as !@#$%^&*(){}[]. Keyloger Most will ignore this character so that the perpetrator (the keyloger user) will not get the actual password.
2. Set the password of the first and save in the form of text. When you want to enter a password, just paste it on the password form. Keyloger will read the password based on your keyboard pounding. However, it is quite risky. Why? because when you make a copy, your data will be stored in the clipboard. Currently, many free software that can display the data in the clipboard.
[3]. Web spoofing
Still remember the case of a number of customer accounts robbery of BCA Bank? Yes, it is one obvious example of Web spoofing. The core of this technique is to utilize a user error when typing the address on the website address bar. Basically, Web spoofing is an attempt to deceive the victim in order to suppose that he was accessing a particular site, but is not.
In the case of BCA bank, hackers making the site very similar and identical to the original site so that the victims will not hesitate to fill in the sensitive information such as user name and password. In fact, because the site is the spoofery site, all with valuable information that victims inputed was recorded by the false webserver, that is owned by the perpetrator.
[4]. Email block
Block email? Yes, and very easy to do this. One way is to use mailsnarf of the utility dsniff. How it works Mailsnarf is to intercept packets of data through the Internet and rearrange whole part of email to be resent.
Dsniff and mailsnift software is working on the basis of WinPcap (equivalent to libcap on Linux) is a library that captures the data packets. Packages that captured is stored in the form of a file by Windump, while Dsniff and MailSnarf act further analyze the data packets and display the password (dsniff) or email content (mailsnarf).
Then how Hacker get the password from Password Cracking, Session Hijacking,Being a Proxy Server, ,Users Failure Utilizing (In Use Features Browser ) and Google ??
to be continued....
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How Hackers Get The Password
Password theft, account takeovers, which is common in the cyber world were not a difficult thing to do, but many of the newbie just wonder .. "How do I get an email passwords of others?" Or the most frequent question is .. "How do you get my password?"
So for learning about the world of hacking more.Let's try to evaluate the common ways how the hackers steal your password and also share the opinion how to prevent to be hacked.Well before that, this is just an article I wrote to add perspective about how important you keep the account safely.
In theory, there’s a lot of ways to get the password. Some needs specialty. Here is how the most common and most frequently used :
[1]. Social Engineering
[2]. Keylogger
[3]. Web spoofing
[4]. Email block
[5]. Password Cracking
[6]. Session Hijacking
[7]. Being a Proxy Server
[8]. Users Failure Utilizing (In Use Features Browser )
[9]. Google
Did you interest with this post?
to be continued...
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Smurf attack
The Smurf attack is a way of generating a lot of computer network traffic to a victim host. This is a type of denial-of-service attack that floods a target system via spoofed broadcast ping messages.
In such an attack, a perpetrator sends a large amount of ICMP echo request (ping) traffic to IP broadcast addresses, all of which have a spoofed source IP address of the intended victim. If the routing device delivering traffic to those broadcast addresses delivers the IP broadcast to all hosts (for example via a layer 2 broadcast), most hosts on that IP network will take the ICMP echo request and reply to it with an echo reply, multiplying the traffic by the number of hosts responding. On a multi-access broadcast network, hundreds of machines might reply to each packet
In the late 1990s, many IP networks would participate in Smurf attacks (that is, they would respond to pings to broadcast addresses). Today, thanks largely to the ease with which administrators can make a network immune to this abuse, very few networks remain vulnerable to Smurf attacks.
The fix is two-fold:
Configure individual hosts and routers not to respond to ping requests or broadcasts.
Configure routers not to forward packets directed to broadcast addresses. Until 1999, standards required routers to forward such packets by default, but in that year, the standard was changed to require the default to be not to forward.
Another proposed solution, to fix this as well as other problems, is network ingress filtering which rejects the attacking packets on the basis of the forged source address.
An example of configuring a router not to forward packets to broadcast addresses, for a Cisco router, is:no ip directed-broadcast
(Note that this example does not prevent a network from becoming the target of Smurf attack; it merely prevents the network from "attacking" other networks, or better said, taking part in a Smurf attack.)
A Smurf amplifier is a computer network that lends itself to being used in a Smurf attack. Smurf amplifiers act to amplify (worsen the severity of) a Smurf attack because they are configured in such a way that they generate a large number of ICMP replies to a spoofed source IP address (the victim of the attack).
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